Category: Guides
Today’s increasingly popular handguns, without doubt, can offer protection, safety, and peace of mind in a personal protection role. However, many homeowners feel safest with long guns in their …
Guns are part of the American culture and heritage as well as an indispensable part of the nation’s political debates. There are about a third of U.S. adults behaving …
There are hunters and rifle owners out there who are always take care of their guns and rifles. They spend a good amount of time and money to keep …
In the past, craftsmen were in charge of making fine guns. They performed all the tasks with old, basic equipment and were able to create only a few numbers …
A few days back, I received an e-mail asking me about what is the difference between rifle scopes and rifle sights? Though the question wasn’t specific as there are …
Many shooters my age (and we won’t go into that number :P) started shooting sports with a BB gun. In my case, it was a hand-me-down Daisy BB gun. …
The 308 Winchester has always been my most prized possession. With modern innovations, new cartridges and rifles are all over the place, but none still comes close to the …
From all the shutdowns on businesses due to things that are out of their control, it has frustrated me at the costs of weapon ammunition, and the upticks in …
I love shooting, but it sadly it can get expensive these days, with ammunition inventories impacted by high demand and political influence. One way to maintain your marksmanship level …
A lot of beginner hunters and gun owners may not necessarily know the value of a good rifle scope in hunting or target shooting. As I had already covered …